Friday, June 30, 2006

End of June 4 1/2 Weeks Along

Wow, I can't believe that it is already the end of June! We are half way through the year already. Today marks 4 1/2 weeks into my pregnancy. I haven't had anymore sickness since Tuesday, thank goodness. I just am not going to be able to eat pizza for awhile. =)
Josh and I looked at bedrooms last night and talked about decorations, placing of furniture, and other baby stuff. It was fun and I liked seeing Josh excited about planning ahead for baby.

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Doctor's Appointments

I talked to the doctor's office today and put a note in for the doctor to see me sooner than the 12 week checkup. I received a call back this afternoon and the doctor wants to see me at 6 weeks (July 12) and I will have an ultrasound and checkup at that time. We will be able to see the heartbeat and see how he/she is growing! I can't wait to see the little heartbeat! Hopefully the next two weeks will go by quickly.

Brand New Start

On Sunday I asked Josh if I could go ahead and take a pregnancy test. He agreed and then we waited the 3 minutes. Josh wanted to look at the stick first. He looked at it, didn't say a word, and then showed it to me. I couldn't believe I was seeing TWO lines. This meant for the 3rd time in a year I was pregnant again. I was very excited in that moment. I have decided to tell everyone EARLY so they can pray for me in this journey. I need everyone to cover my pregnancy and baby in prayers and let God know that we want THIS baby to be here with us on earth and born in March 2007. Please join us on this journey, and check back often for new postings.


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