Well, I had my appointment today. I was at the doctor's office for a long time just because I had my ultrasound, then saw the doctor, then had my history appointment. Above is my baby 8 weeks and 2 days old. =) You can see the baby is up-side-down. You can see the little head and arms and legs starting to grow!! Yeah! More news to come later.
Thursday, July 27, 2006
8 Weeks Doctor Visit
Written by Anonymous at 8:00 PM 4 Comments
Monday, July 24, 2006
8 Weeks
I have made it to the 8 week point, and am getting more nervous all the time. I go to the doctor on Thursday for another ultrasound, doctor appointment, and history appointment. My Dad is driving up this weekend and I am praying nothing goes wrong at this dr visit or I will be very lousy company. Also we leave next Friday for our 3rd year anniversary vacation and if I have a bad dr appointment next week my vacation will be horrible too. I know I am probably thinking too much, but I just so badly want to get past the first 12 weeks of worry and through my pregnancy to have a healthy baby! I pray everyday for a strong heartbeat and for the baby to continue to go strong and healthy. Please continue to pray with me for a strong heartbeat and a healthy growing baby.
Written by Anonymous at 9:40 AM 3 Comments
Wednesday, July 19, 2006
Doctor Visit
My doctor visit yesterday went good. On the ultrasound we were able to see the heart pumping away on our little baby. We saw the doctor too and she was very pleased to hear I did not have any spotting. She things the pregnancy is going very well, but I will see her again next week just after 8 weeks along when I go for my history appointment. I am glad they are keeping a close eye on me and the baby because it helps my fears every week when I can see the heartbeat.
Written by Anonymous at 8:14 AM 2 Comments
Monday, July 17, 2006
7 Weeks
I have reached the 7 week mark! I have 5 more weeks of feeling yucky. It has been a tough week. I have felt sick to my stomach most of the time. The thought of saltine crackers and plain water make me sick to my stomach. I am working past the water issue. If I drink it with a little juice mixed in or a snack like Goldfish I can handle it, but I cannot even look at those saltine crackers - YUCK!
I had 2 of my cousins from Alabama visiting over the weekend. We had a lot of fun. We went to the Newport on the Levee and I got to pet a shark! The shark petting is what convinced Josh we had to go Newport Aquarium in the first place. It was tons of fun, but I am tired from all that walking!
I go to the doctor tomorrow morning for another ultrasound and visit. I am praying to still see the little heartbeat thumping away! Keep us in your prayers!
Written by Anonymous at 12:54 PM 1 Comments
Thursday, July 13, 2006
A Sweet Prayer from a Friend
Dearest Abba, Please oh please take care of Joanna and the little one inside of her. We know and believe that you have placed this baby there, and pray that you would hide them in the Shadow of Your Wings and that there would be no harm to her body or to this little one. You know this baby's frame and that this baby is fearfully and wonderfully made. Guard Josh and Joanna with your peace and with many many prayers from the saints. Please comfort them and help them
and uphold them with Your righteous right hand. Please Lord, even though it is so humanly difficult, please help them not to be afraid. You are good Lord and all you do is right. Please may Your Name be made great in these circumstances, as you continue to grow this little one, let it be Your will. In Jesus Name.
Written by Anonymous at 11:45 AM 0 Comments
Wednesday, July 12, 2006
My 6 Week Doctor Visit
Well I went to the doctor today for
my 6 week appointment. I was so nervous on the way there. I was shaking, crying, breathing hard. Really I thought I might have a nervous breakdown waiting to hear the news. We went a little early and sat in the small ultrasound waiting room. They called me back and I was a little bit more calm sitting in the chair preparing to see the image on the screen. Of course the nurse has to check around everywhere and look at how your body etc is doing. Then she zooms in on the sac and little baby inside. Then I see the little boo-boop boo-boop. The flash of the little heartbeat! This realved my fears, (but at the same time I have seen the heartbeat before and things have gone wrong) and I was much more at peace. The doctor said everything looks really good. I am measuring at 6 weeks 3 days. She wants to see me back next week just to keep a monitor on things. I am totally fine with this news because I would be worried if I had to wait too much longer to see the baby heartbeat again. Thank you for your prayers and continue to pray for the crucial weeks to come!!
Written by Anonymous at 3:13 PM 0 Comments
Monday, July 10, 2006
Six Weeks
Here I am at six weeks! The farther along I go the more nervous I get. I know how quickly things can go from okay to very bad. I am still on for my doctor's appointment on Wednesday at 1pm as long as nothing terrible happens between now and then. Apparently, the hormones I am on can make you dream alot. I have had some bad dreams and some good. All have felt so real (I don't usually dream like this at all.) especially the one where I was bringing my new baby home. I even commented in my dream, "I am so glad this is not a dream!" But it was. Also, the hormones can make you feel depressed more easily too. I have been feeling down, sick, hungry, but not hungry, tired, yucky, sore, bloated, etc. It is not nice feeling this way, but it is part of the pregnancy process and I am fine to keep feeling this way. If those symptoms go away it can only mean bad things. Don't get me wrong, I am not complaining about how I feel. I know it will all pay off in the long run and will be worth it for my baby. But it is hard not to worry. I have been finding more and more quiet moments for me to pray for my baby. Sometimes I don't even know what to say and all I can do is think in my head, "God, you know how I feel. You know what I want so badly..."
Please continue to pray for a growing healthy baby(s) to be born on March 10, 2007 without any complications or problems!!
Written by Anonymous at 2:38 PM 0 Comments
Thursday, July 06, 2006
Moving Right Along
There is not much to report here. Josh and I had a great 4th of July. We slept in and relaxed most of the day. It rained on and off so we really couldn't do anything outside. I did get a call from my brother Steven that he had proposed to his girlfriend Laura and they are now engaged! =) Yeah! They are planning on a July 2007 wedding. Then, I got a call from my cousin Chrissy last night saying her boyfriend, Will, had proposed and they are planning on getting married May 2007! I am going to have two weddings with close family members next year. This is really exciting. =) As for me I am still having pregnancy symptoms and feel like I am moving right along. I am just so nervous about next Wednesday!!
Written by Anonymous at 8:41 AM 0 Comments
Monday, July 03, 2006
5 Weeks
I have now hit my 5 week mark in my pregnancy! I am going to the bathroom every hour. I guess it is all the extra water I have been drinking. I barely made it through the whole church service yesterday before I had to run to the bathroom again.
I got out all my maternity clothes over the weekend. They are all a little big, but hey, I am pregnant so why go ahead and start wearing them now. These are clothes I won't mind getting bigger to fit into. =)
There is not too much else going on with us. Josh and I both have off tomorrow for 4th of July so we are going to have fun at home relaxing and hanging out together. It will be a nice break in the week for me (Josh has off Wednesday and Thursday too).
9 days until we get to see the heartbeat!!
Written by Anonymous at 8:35 AM 0 Comments