Monday, November 26, 2007
6 Weeks Ultrasound

Written by Anonymous at 3:01 PM 2 Comments
Sunday, November 25, 2007
I've got a secret...
Hannah is going to be a big sister! In case the hint from the last note went misunderstood... I, Joanna, am 6 weeks pregnant today. I am due July 20, 2008. Tomorrow Hannah, Josh, GG, and I go to the doctor and I will have my first ultrasound. The heart should have begun beating this past week so if everything is going normal in this pregnancy we should be able to see the heart beating on the ultrasound screen.
Please pray that they baby would continue to grow and develop normally. Please pray for all the organs as they are beginning to grow and function. Please pray for me that I would not be too sick as I have Hannah to take care of!
We are excited!!
Written by Anonymous at 6:16 PM 0 Comments
Thursday, November 22, 2007
Happy Thanksgiving!
Happy Thanksgiving! My HCG levels are doubling daily!
Written by Anonymous at 6:11 PM 0 Comments
Monday, November 19, 2007
Family Pictures

Happy Thanksgiving all!!
Written by Anonymous at 6:57 PM 1 Comments
Monday, November 12, 2007
This past Thursday night Josh and I came down with sore throats and other cold symptoms. Hannah thankfully doesn't seem to have anything but a runny nose. We are still recovering and hope to be over it soon.
Thanksgiving is next week and I don't know where the month of November has gone! Josh has finals all this week and then will be done with school for the semester. We are SO thrilled. Next week Josh, Hannah, and I will head to Hartselle, Alabama for Thanksgiving with many family members. We just can't wait!!
Hannah is going to have so much fun! I thought you might like this cute picture...
Written by Anonymous at 8:41 PM 0 Comments
Friday, November 02, 2007
Feeding Hannah Peas
Feeding Hannah peas (or any other vegtable) always provides some good faces and plenty of laughes. Enjoy!
Written by Anonymous at 9:41 PM 2 Comments
Joanna is Now 25!
Well, I have been meaning to write and update about the events of my birthday. I had a great Wednesday. Josh and Hannah woke me up and I opened my presents in bed. I got a Vera Bradley duffle bag and a USB Flash Drive. Hannah even wrote on my birthday card! She is so smart! Hannah and I had to go to work for a few hours and play with Charlotte. When we came home Josh and gone out and gotten my cake and we opened it up, lit the candles and sang, and dug right into the cake! In the middle of the afternoon! I really enjoyed having such a different mixed up order of events in my birthday.
But I did like the idea of presents in bed. Maybe we'll keep that tradition! After we all took a nap (Josh was off for the day), we all got dressed and ready to go out to eat. (with birthday money - thank you Mom T) We went to a great italian placed called "Bravo!". Haven't heard of it? Have you heard of Olive Garden? Bravo! is like 20 times better let me tell you!! I got the Chicken Pomodoro (fancy chicken parm with big hunks of fresh mozerella cheese on top). Hannah ate baby food and her kid menu. She had a lot of fun and the place was almost empty because everyone was out t
rick or treating! Afterwards we went to the mall and just walked around. All in all I had a super day and look forward to many more birthdays to come.
Written by Anonymous at 6:00 PM 2 Comments