Hannah is 10 months old today! It is amazing how much she has grown. I cleaned out Hannah's room yesterday and was organizing all her new clothes and taking out the ones she has grown out of and I came across a newborn diaper. I could not believe how tiny it was! I brought it over to Josh and his jaw just dropped. I said, "Can you believe Hannah once fit into this diaper?!" Hannah is getting her two top teeth in. One has already broken through and the other one is sure to follow soon. She has been a little fussy over the past two days but that is part of the reason, I am sure. Plus, all three of us have been sick with awful nagging coughs and Hannah and I have had runny noses too. We all feel yucky and poor Josh has been working 12 hour days. I think he is going to stay home sick tomorrow. We all need to recover! Please keep us all in your prayers. Also pray for my prenatal appointment this coming week on January 3rd. The doctor will use the dopler to see if she can hear the heartbeat. I pray everynight with Hannah that the baby is still alive and for Mommy to be able to hear the heartbeat this week. Love and prayers!
PS I have been lazy in sending Christmas cards. I have the letter written and printed, I just have not addressed all the envelopes. If you have gotten a Christmas card consider yourself very lucky! If you have not hopefully soon you will receive a New Year's card!
Friday, December 28, 2007
10 Months Old!
Written by Anonymous at 9:25 PM 0 Comments
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
Hannah's First Christmas
Here is Hannah sitting in her new rocking chair she got from Mommy and Daddy.
Written by Anonymous at 12:25 PM 0 Comments
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
Home for the Holidays
Josh, Hannah, and I were in Jacksonville this past week. We went from Tuesday to Tuesday and had a GREAT time visiting with friends and family. We decided to fly to Jacksonville. This was Hannah's first plane ride and she did great. On the first flight she slept almost the entire time. On the second one we had delays and she got a little fussy. She LOVES to wiggle and there is not much room to wiggle on an airplane sitting on our laps! The plane rides home were much better. We had better seats and even on one flight had three seats to ourselves. It was very nice. We had "Christmas" several times while visiting. Hannah didn't quite get the ripping of the wrapping paper as we thought she would. She did find little scraps on the ground and try to eat them! We arrrived home yesterday evening and began unpacking. I (Joanna) love packing, but HATE unpacking. I buckled down and did three whole suitcases last night. I was so proud of myself. Lots of laundry still awaits me. Hannah had a little bit of a rough night back in her crib. She slept in which helped Josh and I a great deal.
Now we are coming to the task of decorating our house for Christmas and buying gifts! We waited on the decorating so our cats wouldn't rip into everything while we were gone. And Josh and I also decided to wait to buy gifts because we didn't know what we were getting from our families. As much as I loved traveling and visiting with family I am glad to be home for the upcoming holidays.
Written by Anonymous at 10:59 AM 1 Comments
Saturday, December 08, 2007
And she's off...!
Hannah is crawling! It took a little longer for her to get the hang of it. She has been wanting to for so long and finally did it last night! Yeah Hannah!! Video to come soon!
Written by Anonymous at 12:18 PM 1 Comments
Monday, December 03, 2007
Hannah's Doctor Visit
I just realized today that I hadn't done a post since Hannah went to the doctor this past Wednesday. She weighs 17 lbs 7 oz. She is only in the 25% percentile for height and weight. The doctor said she is in proportion that height and weight are equal on the percentile chart and that she might just be small. Who would have thought my 8 pound baby would end being small for her age! Hannah got a flu shot and they all stuck her finger to draw blood. This was a sad experience! Whatever test they did Hannah ranked good on the nutrional level etc. (I'm not sure what they were testing for again...) Hannah cried most of her doctor visit unless I was holding her. I guess she didn't like being naked in front of all those strange ladies! Poor little girl. The visit is behind us and Hannah will not have to go back until her 12 month/1 year checkup unless she gets sick.
There is not much else news otherwise. Josh is done with classes and has the month of December off from school. Hannah and I are very excited about this and Hannah is enjoying her much needed Daddy time.
I have been feeling nauseated in the mornings for the past couple of mornings. No actual upchuck yet which I am happy to report. I don't go back to to the doctor's office until Decemeber 21 and that is only for a history visit, not to get to hear the heartbeat. I might have to ask if I can have this done. I would really like to hear him/her and make sure everything is okay.
Well, the three of us leave for Jacksonville a week from tomorrow. I cannot believe it!
Please continue to pray for us as we prepare to come to Jacksonville that all of us will continue to be in good health and for the little one inside me that they will continue to grow bigger and healthy and that the little heart would continue beating!!
Written by Anonymous at 4:45 PM 1 Comments