She didn't want to dig in, I had to cut the cake into pieces before she would eat it.
Eating at Steak and Shake. So much fun!
Written by Anonymous at 9:09 PM 2 Comments
Well, Josh, Hannah, and I found out today at the doctor's office that we are expecting a BOY! I think Josh jumped out of his seat and yelled, "YIPEE!" (or something like that) Hannah will like having a little brother to boss around (hey, that's what I did with my brothers Steven, Wade, and Jon!). Here are some ultrasound pictures.
Of course, I had to go out today and buy some blue! I bought a cute stuffed puppy dog (just like I bought Hannah a pink bear) and a little newborn sleeper and onsie. Yes, and a "I LOVE MOMMY!" bib! How exciting! According to the ultrasound I am right on schedule with my due date of July 20, 2008!
Written by Anonymous at 4:35 PM 4 Comments
Here are some pictures we had done. It is a few days early, but I thought I would go ahead and post anyways. They are just too cute!!
Written by Anonymous at 4:03 PM 1 Comments
Okay, so I have changed the outlook of the blog several times. I was set on the last look and really liked the chocolates at the top, but something went weird happened and I couldn't get the images back and the dates weren't showing up on the posts so I changed once again! As long as Josh is okay with this new look we will keep it around for awhile.
On baby news, I have been feeling he or she move around more and more. The movement is still little kicks here and there, but I am enjoying it. My Gramma Lesta arrives on Saturday and we can't wait to see her. She and her dog Pebbles will be here for a week with us before heading home.
Please continue to pray for us and pray for my pregnancy. I can't wait to update you on baby news next Monday!!!
Written by Anonymous at 9:20 PM 0 Comments
Written by Anonymous at 7:50 PM 1 Comments
Written by Anonymous at 7:42 PM 2 Comments
Written by Anonymous at 6:03 PM 1 Comments
I went to the doctor yesterday for another QUICK checkup. We waited for awhile, but were in and out with the doctor in what seemed like seconds! We were able to hear the heartbeat and everything is sounding good. I have been feeling better with not so much sickness anymore which is great. We made our next appointment for Monday, February, 25th at 9am to find out if Hannah is going to have a little baby sister or brother! We can't wait either!
Please continue to pray for my pregnancy. Please pray I will have continued good health and for the baby's heartbeat to continue and the body to form and develop correctly.
Written by Anonymous at 10:06 PM 0 Comments