Here is Andrew in his bouncy seat. Notice he is not crying, but that is only because the paci is in his mouth at the moment. It won't stay there long if Hannah has anything to do with it!
Here is Hannah peaking over the edge. She was trying to lean over and give Andrew a kiss but she was a tad bit short.
Here is Hannah playing peek-a-boo around the bouncy seat.
One last cute pictures of my little boy. Shortly after this picture was taken Hannah was drinking her bedtime milk and walking (not watching where she was going) and tripped on the bouncy seat and landed on Andrew. This sent Hannah and Andrew into fits of screaming. Oh my...
I wanted to prag on my Dad and the GREAT job he did of replacing our bathroom sink while he was here visiting. I searched for a "before" picture but couldn't find one. It was pretty bad. It was like a SUPER OLD sink attached to the wall with old pipes, two streams of water (one for hot and one for cold), and a broken patched up wall etc etc. We now have a super cute sink and only one stream of water when we turn the faucet on. YEAH! Thanks "Poppy!"
My last picture is from the other day when I made piggy tails in Hannah's hair. It was super cute, but as you can see from her expression. She wasn't happy to sit still and let me "pull" on her hair. One day Hannah, you will like me doing your hair up all cute!
Lastly I have Andrew's FIRST video up on youtube. Click HERE!!