He has also started sleeping 12 hours through the night!!!!!! Amazing! He now sleeps in his crib upstairs with Hannah and when he wakes up in the morning he happily lays there sucking his little thumb until I come get him. Here is a picture of my cubby little man...
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
11 Weeks Old!
He has also started sleeping 12 hours through the night!!!!!! Amazing! He now sleeps in his crib upstairs with Hannah and when he wakes up in the morning he happily lays there sucking his little thumb until I come get him. Here is a picture of my cubby little man...
Written by Anonymous at 11:57 PM 1 Comments
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Promised Pictures
Here are our pictures in no paticular order...
When I took Drew for his two month checkup the doctor told me I could start feeding him rice cereal two times a day to help him get more full and drink a little less formula (7oz a feeding!!). Here is a cute picture of Drew with rice cereal all over his face. He is a good eater. Don't ask me why, but for some reason he was not wearing a bib this feeding.
I was able to capture a smile today. I know it is a little off center, but if he sees me with the camera in hand he will NOT smile. =)
Here is another cute expression...

Here is Grandma with Hannah and Andrew. We loved having her visit and wish she could have stayed longer!
Hannah wearing her new cute outfit and shoes from Grandma and Grandpa. We were fixing to run to the store and Grandma snapped this cute photo.
Hannah with Daddy's hat on and talking on Grandma's cell phone. SO CUTE!
I also got my hair cut while Josh's mom was here. She took this picture of me while we were eating at Red Robin (which we just got and now love!)
Written by Anonymous at 2:27 PM 1 Comments
Saturday, September 20, 2008
2 Months
I took Drew for his two month checkup this week and he weighed 14 pounds 4 ounces!! I couldn't believe how big my little man had grown. He was 50 percentile for height and 95 percentile for weight! The poor little guy also got six shots in his legs. The good news is he can go in the nursery on Sunday and I can sit through sunday school and the church service without worrying about a fussy baby.
Josh's Mom came for a visit this week too. We enjoyed having her visit and were sad to see her go back home this morning.
Pictures to come!
Written by Anonymous at 10:26 PM 1 Comments
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Ike Pictures
Written by Anonymous at 10:56 AM 0 Comments
Monday, September 15, 2008
Winds up to 60 miles an hour hit yesterday. Power went out during our church service and when we were on our way home we could really tell the wind was picking up. When we arrived home there was a HUGE limb and many small branches down. The huge limb hit the chain-link fence between our house and our new neighbors. While we were looking at the damage in the backyard, Hannah almost blew away!
Today I tried to take Andrew to his doctor appointment, but the office was closed so he didn't get weighed or get his shots. =( I'll have to try and call later on this week to reschedule.
When I got back home Josh, Hannah, and I worked in the yard removing the branches and the huge limb. (while Andrew slept safely inside) Thankfully it is like 65 degrees outside and there is a slight breeze. It was great for doing yardwork.
Another HUGE BLESSING is that we have power (electricity)! We are the only house on our street. I believe half of the city is without power and the news report is saying it will take 10-14 days to restore power. Once again, we are SO BLESSED to have power!!
Schools have been closed today and tomorrow and hopefully Seminary will be closed to so we have have Josh at home.
More updates and pictures of the storm soon...
Written by Anonymous at 1:45 PM 0 Comments
Monday, September 08, 2008
Brother and Sister
Smiley Hannah in her cute Gators outfit.
Hannah likes to "hold" Andrew. She gives him a big kiss and just smiles. We do this about 10 times in a row every day. =)
Here was our attempt to let Hannah "hold" Drew more on her own. She didn't understand why her hands should be under him. hee hee
First almost smile caught on camera!!
Here we are getting close again with the smile. It looks bigger in person but the camera never gets to it quite in time.
Written by Anonymous at 11:04 AM 3 Comments
Friday, September 05, 2008
6 Quirks
I was tagged by my friend Vivian to list 6 quirks. I really couldn't think of any until I started reading other blogs with lists and then they all started coming back. I guess we should really ask our husbands to list their wife's quirks. They could some up with many!
1. I am super picky about the cleanliness of my pillow. It cannot touch the ground, or anything dirty, and I wash my pillow case several times in between bed sheet changes.
2. My house is not clean unless my kitchen mainly countertops and stove, are clean.
3. I do not like outside shoes to "walk" around the house. They are only allowed the in mud room. (thus the name)
4. I don't feel organized unless all our purchases are written down in the checkbook, bills are paid, and the checkbook is balanced. Whew!
5. I can't stand to do badly at a video game (on the Wii) when I have aced it previously. I have to restart the game before it finishes and try again.
6. My cell phone has to be on and by myside 24/7. Seriously.
Okay, there you go. I will add on the end that if you look at my blog lists you can see that I also like to keep up with everyone's business by reading blogs and to keep it all organized I list them all on our blog.
Not too much news on the home front except to say our whole family has one big cold. Andrew even has sounded stuffy and coughs once in awhile. Poor little guy. Hopefully we will all get over this soon. I don't like sharing germs.
Written by Anonymous at 4:02 PM 0 Comments
Wednesday, September 03, 2008
My Andrew slept through the night last night!! Hannah on the other hand didn't give us that luxury. Hannah had a rough night last night for some reason woke several times crying in the night, but my sweet baby boy slept from 10pm to 7am!! I am so proud of him!! I am not getting my hopes up for tonight just in case this was a one time deal, but I hope one day soon it is a nightly routine.
Written by Anonymous at 9:43 PM 1 Comments
Tuesday, September 02, 2008
Cute Video
I got Hannah to sit still long enough yesterday to paint her "piggy toes" a cute shade of pink. I thought they looked super cute!!
Took this today and thought you would enjoy it!
Written by Anonymous at 9:32 PM 0 Comments