Tuesday, January 25, 2011

No Tip for Tuesday (which turned into a devotional!)

I just thought I would post while I had a few minutes this morning. The kiddos are upstairs playing while I am doing laundry and trying to get motivated to make lunch.

I just ate my dessert while reading my Bible. James 5. I feel like I could read James everyday, and still get something new and totally different out of his teachings. Good stuff.
At church we have been going through the book of James on Sunday nights. I have enjoyed it. As our pastor has said before, "James afflicts the comfortable, and comforts the afflicted." So true. The end of James 4 talks about planning, going and doing this and that a year, and making a profit. What's wrong with planning? Nothing. James goes on to say, "you ought to say, if the Lord wills, we will do this." So nothing is wrong with planning (and lists!!) unless you leave God out of it.
If I am honest, and I am trying to be, I leave God out of my planning sometimes. I fail to ask Him what He would have me or our family to do. Whether it be today, tomorrow, or the long term goals for our life.
God, help me to abide in You today. Help me to seek Your will, and to include you in all my plans. Amen.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Comparing Smiles

Hannah (15 months)

Micah (10 months)

Andrew (18 months)

They've all got the cheeks going on! :)

Wednesday, January 05, 2011

2010 Recap, and looking forward to 2011

2010 was a great year for our family.

Recap by month:
January: Josh's birthday, cold and snow, but no frozen pipes!
February: Hannah Jacqueline turned 3.
March: Our sweet, happy, and bouncy Micah-Moo was born on the 16th.
April: The semester end? ha. And a visit from Mom Tillman
May/June: Visited a new church (FBC Fisherville) and called to attend
July: Andrew turned 2.
August: Steven and Laura came to visit. Josh and I celebrated 7 years of marriage, and went on a cruise. First time away from kids!!
September: Mom's 5 year death anniversary, and 5 years ago I lost my twin babies in womb. Put our house on the market.
October: My birthday.
November: First Thanksgiving dinner cooked and hosted by me. :) First Thanksgiving at home in over 10 years.
December: Christmas with 3 kiddos, my friend Kolby had her baby girl, Kinley. PLUS, to end the year Steven and Laura came to visit! :)

Through all this, we have had school, lots of homework, job uncertainty, a new babysitting job for me, family visits, internship for Josh, and the hard task of WAITING on the Lord.

We look forward to 2011.
Hopefully our house will sell, and we'll be able to move to a bigger house suited for our family.
At the end of 2011 we'll be only one semester away from Josh graduating with his Masters degree!!
My brother Wade will be marrying Jennifer Meade in September.
My brother in law Evan will be marrying Amanda Hall (June??).
And maybe, just maybe, Josh will have a full time ministry Job.

Blessing to all for a great 2011!

Tuesday, January 04, 2011

Tip for Tuesday

Have old baby burp cloths and swaddling blankets?
We use ours in place of tissues for runny nose season. You can cut the blanket up, or keep it intact. Once dirty, was and reuse! Cuts down on waste, and feels better on a sore nose.

- Posted by Joanna using BlogPress from my iPhone


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