Sunday, July 29, 2012


I've been trying to enjoy some lasts before the baby comes.  Trying being the key word.  :(  There have been lots of random added stresses this week, all unexpectedly, and I keep trying to tell myself I need to calm myself down, because my blood pressure has already been borderline high.  :(

Please keep our family in your prayers.  The devil seeks to destroy us and rob our joy in the most crazy and unexpected circumstances.  (and it is so hard when you are 9 months pregnant, emotional, and sleep deprived!) Trying not to let what others say or do against our family, or other people's circumstances affect my emotions.  It is so tough.

Okay, here's hoping and praying the next update with include a precious picture of our sweet SarahBeth and Mommy!

Thursday, July 26, 2012

The Countdown!

So after having two horrible doctor appointments (meaning my cervix was closed, the baby hadn't dropped yet, and I was told induction was not an option until my body showed some progress).  I couldn't even post the words my cervix was "closed".  So frustrating!

This Wednesday I went back for a check up and I had dilated to 1 cm and was 50% effaced, and SarahBeth had dropped.  I was so encouraged!!  My blood pressure was borderline high / concerning to the doctor so he told me an induction this coming Tuesday (July 31) sounded like a good idea!  Super excited.  Really hoping I go into labor BEFORE then (naturally without meds), but super excited that in less than 5 days I will get my second sweet pretty princess! :)

I check into L&D on July 31 at 6am.  My aunt is scheduled to arrive July 30 to help out with the kids.  Keep us in your prayers.  I cannot wait to post pictures of SB!! :)

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

36 Weeks & Dr Visit

Hit the 36 week mark today!  Cervix was still closed.  Somehow I knew that would be the case.  I'm not worried.  I know SB will make her appearance soon enough.  By all my 37 week appointments (with my previous three) I have been at least 1 cm and 50% effaced.  Time will tell if I continue the trend.  They have all come about the same time anyway, regardless on dilation and effacement.

Trying not to just laze around the house.  I am really having a lot of nesting urges, but no energy to complete my tasks!  I find enough energy to do what I need to do, but no more.  :)  I guess how I have seen my spotless house go from spotless to disaster in 30 minutes with three kids playing!  That depletes my motivation.  ha.

Not much else for now.  Just trying to beat the heat with our splash pool and Speedway icees!

Sunday, July 08, 2012

A few more random pictures for an update...

My 34 week belly shot.  :)  Thankfully for this appointment I got to go to the dr by myself.  Up until this point I had been bringing the kids with me.  Much more relaxing this way!

Josh and I FINALLY got a date night in like a few months on end!!  Maybe like 4 months!?  Josh took this picture of me at the table.

Incredible Andrew!  The costume we got him on clearance after halloween last year, and he is finally fitting into it a bit more.

Lightening from outside our hotel window from the other week...

Andrew will be FOUR at the end of this week!!  We are excited to be celebrating with him.  His birthday is ALSO Chick-fil-A dress like a cow (one of our favorite days of the year!!)  :).

I also have my 36 week checkup this week (Tuesday), so more updates to come later!  Please keep us all in your prayers, especially me, as my last trimester negativity/ I'm so ready to not be pregnant anymore attitude sets in. :P

BallPark Trip

Josh got to take the boys to a baseball game in Cincinnati a few weeks ago.  They had a great time, and Hannah and I got to go shopping.  :)


Trying to beat the heat and playing a random different times of day and doing walks around the church etc.  Here are a few play pictures of the kiddos.

First two of kids playing on our neighbors playset.

Taking a break from our walk around the church building. (we try and do this nightly)

Small playground by the hospital while Mommy was at her pre-registration appointment.


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