I can't believe it has been almost a week since my last update! Hannah is doing great and from the look of the clothes on her she is getting bigger. I guess we'll have to wait until next week and the doctor's appointment to see how much weight she has gained. We still haven't gotten any better at sleeping at night-time. It seems Hannah is a night person and a morning person. This means she wants to stay up late past midnight and keep Mommy and Daddy up, and is also eager and ready to begin her day at 6am and not go back to sleep, thus keeping Mommy and/or Daddy awake. My Grandma has been here helping with household duties and with caring for Hannah. Usually Grandma takes Hannah around 6am-7am and tries to get her back to sleep so Mommy and Daddy can rest. It is a nice little break from the mostly sleepless nights. But, Grandma will go home tomorrow and the three of us will be on our own for several days until we get our next batch of visitors! We can do it ourselves, but it will be new and different for me and Hannah to be on our own during the day. This ends the update but here are several pictures for your enjoyment.
Hannah went to church for the first time on Sunday. She did great and slept the whole time through the service. This was her little church dress that I had bought her. She is also wearing the shoes that her Grandma bought her for Christmas.
Josh and I had this idea to do the black and white pictures of a cute naked baby, you know like the ones you see professionally done?!? Well, Hannah didn't really like it very much and just kept crying - so in went the paci! I thought it was a cute picture anyway. =)
That's all for now!
You guys already went to church? WOW! It took me 2 months to get ready to take him.
You know how those older ladies are with new babies... All over him and I wasn't liking that too much!
SOOOO CUTE!!! How exciting :) I love her little dress heehee! Congrats again :)
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