I can't hardly believe the date every time I write it. December already?! Ever since last year I have been planning for this Christmas and tree. I got a pre-lit tree on clearance at Target last year and have been buying Gator ornaments and blue and orange decorations all year. Here is our new tree!
In family news, Josh has finished the semester and his finals. YEAH! We are happy to get him a few extra hours a day.
Hannah has become the performer and loves to make toys and other items her microphone and sing and dance along the couch. She also likes Mommy and Andrew to be her class so she can tell a story about Jesus. So sweet!
Andrew has become such a big boy. He is going to make a great big brother. He has started helping Mommy with laundry, diapers, and anything else I will let him help with. He is so loving and given me big hugs and kisses. I love my boy!
Baby Micah is SUPER active and loves it when I drink my daily dose of caffeine. He dances and kicks around so much. We all can't wait to meet him in March!!!!!
Merry Christmas Season!!
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