I have been meaning to update about the kiddos and all the new and exciting stuff they are up to.
My sweet girl will be three next month! She is a great Mommy's helper and totally blossoming into a wonderful young lady but with a three-year-old-attitude that can be tiring. I pray the Lord gives me wisdom and guidance as I try and live out an example of a godly woman, wife, and mommy. This week we moved Hannah downstairs to our spare room to her new big girl room. She is really enjoying this special time with her new room. She wants to be in there all the time! She has also taken on her first chores! She helps me set and clear the table before and after meals. I love having this help!
My SWEET cheeks baby - now big boy! Oh how I love this cute cheesy smile!! My Andrew is so cuddly but is turning into a big boy and I am enjoying this new phase and watching him grow and develop. Andrew has favored his left hand for awhile now, so I am pretty sure he is going to be left handed. This is new for me. Andrew has also decided he wants to use a fork or spoon to eat everything. I am trying hard to let him do it all himself - I do have to say he is doing it quite well, it just takes him forever to eat! Andrew is learning new words every day and just recently started saying "baby" and also at the same time taken up an interest in one particular baby of Hannah's. He holds and "pets" her. So sweet. I know he will make a great big brother!

I am 29 weeks along. Hurray! I LOVE this active baby boy inside of me. Nesting has been a theme for me this week and I am glad to be doing all the physical labor now when I am still feeling pretty good. I have to go have my glucose test again this week. Only 10 more weeks until I meet my Micah!!
Steven is happy that Andrew will be left handed. His comment when I told him "Good for him." (and he sounded proud.)
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