The Tillman's have been having lots of fun this summer. We just got done having a visit with Steven and Laura. We had a blast!! :) The kids loved seeing their aunt and uncle.
I'll have to post pictures of their visit another day.
Here is a cute picture of Micah in a Gator outfit. :) Micah has also found his feet this month, and has also started eating rice cereal. He doesn't really like it. :)

Hannah and Andrew have been playing together better and better. Andrew landed a visit to the ER by getting his hand caught in the sliding van door. Thankfully nothing was broken!!
Here is a picture of the kids living it up in the ER room. The nurses brought them juice, toys, coloring pages, and even put on CARS movie for them.

Josh and I have been busy starting our new rolls in the church. I have taken over SS attendance and rolls along with a few other things. Josh has been working on music and leading it himself on Sunday nights! I am proud of him.
We have also (thanks to the help of Steven and Laura!!) re-sided our garage!! It looks SO much better now, but we have to brave the heat again and paint it. Pictures of that to come soon!! :)
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