I LOVE a good organized and efficient kitchen! Whether your kitchen is big or small I hope these tips will help you keep your life running smoothly.
Wall Pockets:

I love Ikea! :) I purchased these
Ikea Wall Pockets for $3.99! They cam in two colors. Originally they were going to be for small toy storage on the back of my kid's bedroom doors. But my children got the best of my storage ideas and now I use them on the back of my kitchen door (leading to the garage/basement). I keep small snacks like peanut butter crackers, marshmallows, hard candy, gummies, and even the charger to my Swiffer Sweeper vac. This is a great way to store snacks. They are easy to see, and by storing them here, I can save valuable cabinet space for other items.
Small baskets for food storage.
I use these small baskets (found at Dollar General) to store my muffin mixes, cookie mixes, etc. This bin is stashed in my round about corner cabinet and it keeps the small packets from just sliding around everywhere or getting lost or separated.
Inside cupboard doors attach cork board for small notes, recipes, or things you need to keep close. Since I usually stand at this part of the counter to address a letter, I keep my postage stamps tacked up inside, as well as receipts I need to save or submit, and random information. As you can tell it looks a little cluttered. I probably need to sort through some of that paper. :)
Clutter / Bills:
I have already mentioned in a previous post I love ThirtyOne!! This is another great way to use one of their products. Their
All-in-One Organizer is awesome. It has side pockets for small note pads, pens, scissors etc. The width of the organizer is exactly the length of a file folder minus about 1 cm. (just trim it off and go!) I keep files for all my stuff so there are NO piles of paperwork on my kitchen counter. I cannot stand paper clutter.
Here are some helper hints for file categories:
- Bills
- Paid Bills
- Insurance
- Coupons
- Misc Papers to Save
- (Insert Husband's name) Work
- File folder for each family member
- Kids art work (I save for a short while until I can take a picture of it then it is disposed of)
- Miscellaneous
Junk Drawer:
Don't let this extra drawer take over itself. Mine stays neat and tidy with two utensil holders. The extra space around the edges is for a few extra things that don't fit as neatly into the slots.
I have slots for:
- Pens
- Pencils
- Markers
- Scissors
- Flashlights
- Clothes Pins
- Nail File
- Screw Drivers
- Matches / Lighter
Command Center:

We all need a go to place. I have seriously tried the digital calendar thing, but I just LOVE these giant wall calendars. Everything is at a glance and is so handy. :) You can purchase them at Staples or another office store, but I have been getting mine in the Target DOLLAR SPOT every year now for the past three years. Love it!! I purchased the magnetic strip (to the right) from Ikea. (these strips are great!) They are under $10 and you can mount them anywhere and store anything magnetic on them. I have the circle magnetic organizer holder (also from Ikea!) with push pins and chalk (for my chalkboard on the other side of my kitchen door). I also have a magnetic cup holder for pens and pencils to write on the calendar with. At the bottom I have a magnetic clip to hod any random paper I may need right there. I also had a note pad hanging there for awhile too. :)
Any other ideas and tips for keeping your kitchen and command center more organized and efficient?
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