We were unable to seel some extra Florida vs Arkansas football tickets we had purchased. Long story shorter Josh and I decided on Thursday that Hannah, Drew, and I would go to the game with Josh, Wade, Matt, and Brad (who were already going)... whew! It was a whirlwind as we prepared to leave packing bags etc and headed out late Friday night. We traveled through the night and got to Arkansas 6:30am Saturday morning. It rained on and off before the game but the actual game was nice weather and no rain! Both kids did well but were ready to crash at halftime. After Josh and I made the hike back to the van I put the kids to sleep in their carseats and drove around until the game was over. The ride back was pretty uneventful as they slept almost the whole time because they were so tired. We made it back safely and Hannah and Drew can now say they have been to a college football game. Here are some pictures to prove it... Here I am with the sleepy Andrew.
Here is "Uncle" Brad with Hannah. Hannah is wearing her cute pink Gator windbreaker outfit Uncle Steven and Aunt Laura bought her for Christmas last year. Somehow this is the only picture I got of Hannah the whole trip. Thankfully she played with "Unlce" Matt, "Uncle" Brad, and Uncle Wade most of the time, but since she was with them and I had my hands full with Drew I wasn't taking pictures!
Josh with all the baby gear... notice you can see the sky is clearing up!
What FUN!!! That's cool they let you bring the baby gear. At the Swamp, they barely let me in with Noah's "bookbag" with his diapers etc... the cop said, we'll just call this a purse for today. I was like- thanks or you'd have a wet kid coming back to visit you in the 2nd qtr...hehe
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