Andrew is now 3 months old! I have enjoyed this past month as Andrew has started sleeping through the night (hooray!), and become more of a happy social baby boy. His face lights up and he gives me the biggest smile when I go in and see him in the morning. He loves snuggling with me and he loves the attention of his big sister Hannah. No doctor visit or shots this month, but at 4 months he will go back again to the doctor.
In case some of you blog readers don't have facebook or haven't caught the latest pics I posted. My brother, Wade, has earned job of Chick-fil-A cow! He came to visit and we took pictures. Enjoy! Me and Andrew and Wade. I mean, the cow.
All four of us. (notice on Hannah is hanging onto me for dear life, like I am going to let this "random cow" get her or somthing...)
Hannah enjoyed Uncle Wade much better after he took off the suit. She still was leery of this giant cow head sitting on our living room floor.
And here is my sweet baby boy. I just love his cute little face and smile! Oh and those big blue eyes that make my heart melt! And he's a Gator fan!! (but not that he really has a choice)
He's beautiful! Congratulations on your LOVELY family!!
Erin (Mouzon) Milner
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