Merry Christmas from warm Jacksonville, FL!
It has been a few years since we were in Jacksonville for Christmas Day. We enjoyed spending time with family and friends. Hannah LOVED opening presents! She opened all of her own and some of Andrew's and anyone else who would let her "help" open theirs too.
Hannah got lots of fun toys, babies, baby bottles, a doll house, another toy house, and lots of clothes. Andrew got some toys too, and is sharing them with Hannah until he is big enough to take them back from her! =)
We hope you all had a very Merry Christmas. Here are a few pictures to tie you over until we get back to Louisville.
Saturday, December 27, 2008
Merry Christmas from Jacksonville!
Written by Joanna Tillman at 12:19 PM 0 Comments
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Getting Ready for Christmas
I may have posted this super cute picture of my sweet boy in his "Precious Gift" Christmas bib, but here it is again. I love this smile!
Coloring by the tree. I decorated it very minimal this year because this is the first year that Hannah has been interested in the tree and all the "balls" on the tree!
Yummy cookies and icing!
Written by Joanna Tillman at 12:16 AM 1 Comments
Picture Tag
So I was tagged by Viv to pick the 4th folder of where I store pictures and pick the 4th photo in that folder. Then explain. This is my mother-in-law (AKA Grandma) with her two FAVORITE grandkids! This was the first time she met Andrew.
Written by Joanna Tillman at 12:12 AM 0 Comments
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Great Times with Family
Written by Joanna Tillman at 10:57 PM 0 Comments
Thanksgiving Pictures
We went to go see the huge Christmas light display at the botanical gardens in Huntsville. This was Hannah's expression the whole time. She was just in awe of all the lights.
Hannah LOVED the cat. She would wake up in the morning and say "MEOW" about 10 times until someone would let the cat in for her to play with.
Written by Joanna Tillman at 10:40 PM 0 Comments
Tuesday, December 09, 2008
It's Coming!
My update on Thanksgiving and Christmas details etc are coming. Being out of town for over a week and no good internet connection can leave you feeling really behind. When I get the house in order you will hear from me again...
Written by Anonymous at 4:00 PM 0 Comments