These few blog posts are going to be picture heavy, but I'm sure you all don't mind!

Here is me, Hannah, Andrew, and Gloria on the swing outside the house. Hannah called Gloria "Glory". So cute!

Hannah loved Grace (in the red hair who is holding Hannah) and would call her "cray".

While in Alabama, we attended Tom and Lynne's wedding. Tom is my Dad's youngest cousin and Lynne is the one who is marrying into all this craziness! I don't have a picture of the happy couple, but I do have this family picture. First one since Drew was born!

Here is Poppy and Hannah. He is letting her eat a peppermint oreo (SO YUM-O!!) and she has crumbs on her hand that shouldn't be there. hee hee.

This was Uncle Steven's first time to meet baby Andrew.

Andrew had met Aunt Laura before, but this was the first picture we got of them together.

Andrew got to meet Uncle Jon too!
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