We had a great time in Alabama with family. Andrew enjoyed all the entertainment of all the bigger kids and Hannah LOVED playing outside with her cousins no matter how cold it was. She would even pick to go outside over coloring!! 
My sweet Andrew with his turkey bib on. I just love those big blue eyes.
We went to go see the huge Christmas light display at the botanical gardens in Huntsville. This was Hannah's expression the whole time. She was just in awe of all the lights.
On Monday night while we were there Aunt Sharon and I had a chocolate tasting party. It was great with 14 ladies in attendance.
Lots of chocolate was eated and the party was a huge success.
Hannah LOVED the cat. She would wake up in the morning and say "MEOW" about 10 times until someone would let the cat in for her to play with.
Aunt Sharon had so much fun with Hannah and Andrew.
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