It was Josh's birthday yesterday and we had a good day. Josh took the day off work and we went to the mall and had the kids pictures taken and then ate at Red Robin. Here is Josh sitting at our table at Red Robin. (Hannah was not interested in posing for a picture and Drew was sleeping in the stroller.)

Here is Josh with his birthday cake and favorite kiddos. Yes, I COULD have been creative with Josh's birthday cake but he asked me fore yellow cake with store bought chocolate frosting (gasp!). Happy Birthday Josh!

The whole family. (Thanks Matt for taking the pic!)

Here is Josh feeding Andrew, and Hannah coming over to see. We were at Picture People waiting to get our pictures printed.

So Hannah has not been into picture taking lately. Getting her picture with Andrew was interesting yesterday. When we were waitng to view our pictures, Hannah ran over to the portrait area and stood there and yelled "CHEESE!". I said, "Are you ready to smile now?" She exclaimed, "YES!!" Oh my. I guess you can say timing is everything! I got this picture, but I was rushing to take it, that it turned out blurry.
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