It is FREEZING here in KY. I think the high is like 10 degrees and the wind chill is like -4! So we have been finding things to do inside to pass the time...
Hannah's new thing to do is RUN and hide when I get out the camera. This is her trying to hide on the other side of the fridge. Why is she being shy?? Also, she has her paci in her mouth. Hannah has been taking "kiki" (blanket) and paci with her more and more around the house lately. I don't mind the blanket, but the paci can get in the way or get lost and that is not good at bedtime.
On other news Andrew turned 6 months this week! He is such a big boy. He had his checkup today and weighed in at 17 pounds 5 ounces and is in the 50% percentile for height and weight. All round he is healthy. Thankfully we have all been pretty healthy so far in the new year.
Not much else is going on besides trying to stay WARM. I really wish all this cold weather would produce snow. =) Speaking of things that are white... DOVE Chocolate Discoveries is coming out with a DOVE Premimum WHITE Chocolate on February 1st. I can't wait to try it!!
Oh Jo! He is soooo alert! What a cute little boy! And i think Hannah gets more adorable by the day! How wonderful that she is sharing her things! Does the Bumbo chair work at helping them keep their balance?
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