Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Ready for Football!

August Update

We are still here! We have been keeping cool and having fun at home.

I have been fighting off morning sickness quite a bit. If Hannah sees me not feeling good, she will say, "Oh Mommy is sick." And if I am throwing up Hannah will announce to the whole house, "Mommy throwing up! Hey Mommy, you throw up?" (This keeps going until I affirm through heaves that yes, I am.) Nothing like going through morning sickness with a toddler in the house. :)

Our Hannah is SUPER smart. I am seeing this more and more everyday and am amazed at all the knowledge she can pick up in such a short time. She can count to 10, sing almost all her ABC's, knows her colors, shapes, and more. She talks constantly about everything, is super observant, and loves to help Mommy cook and clean and take care of Andrew. Now I ask you, how can such a smart girl not want to go do her business on the potty?

Andrew is learning new words and sounds. His brand new thing to say is "uh-O". So cute! He loves dogs and when he hears or sees a dog he makes this cute barking sound. He has also started walking with his walker/push toy. I know he is going to take off on his own very soon!

Baby, I hope, is doing well. I go next Tuesday for my official 1st trimester check-up and to hear the heartbeat. I can't wait! I am 10 weeks along this week.

Josh has started school and is taking 3 classes. He is also working full time and is very busy. I am so proud of Josh for all he does for our family.

I'll post next week from my dr visit.

Monday, August 10, 2009

6th Year Wedding Anniversary!!

Yesterday Josh and I celebrated our 6 year wedding anniversary!! It has been an amazing six years and Josh is always understanding as this wasn't the first year I have had morning sickness on our anniversary.

Happy Anniversary Josh!! Here's to another 6 plus 96 more years of marriage!! I love you!

Thursday, August 06, 2009


Hannah has finally decided that she likes PBJ sandwiches. Whew! For the longest time she either thought the jelly was too sticky or thought I was hiding something she didn't like between the bread. ha. She calls the sandwich "butter and jelly sandwich". So we were eating our sandwiches the other night for dinner and I was singing "yum, yum, yum" between bites (Andrew thought it was funny), and Hannah stopped me. She said, "No, Mommy, not yummy, it dish-ous!" (delicious) So CUTE! I guess she has been paying attention to the Food Network!

We have been enjoying some cooler weather in the mornings (70's) and have been taking advantage of it and playing outdoors. A few mornings Hannah, Andrew, and I have been going on walks. I push Andrew in his stroller, and Hannah pushes her baby in her small stroller. :)

Hannah has a Fisher Price doll house that has some removeable furniture. One of those items is a toliet. The past two days she has been carrying around her "baby potty" and last night she slept with it in her crib! How weird! Maybe it's time to try potty training again?

Last note of news, if you haven't heard yet, I am pregnant again! Little brother or sister is due March 23rd, 2010. I am fighting the tiredness and morning/afternoon sickness but thankfully it hasn't been as bad as I had with Hannah. Keep us in your prayers!


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