Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Going Green: Wool Ball Dryer Sheets

I have contemplated making my own laundry detergent in the past, or trying dryer balls; but never put anything into action. This week I came across several different articles, as well as advice from friends, and realized how much healthier (as well as cost effective) it would be for my family to switch my laundry methods.

Chemicals we put into our laundry, especially in dryer sheets, stay on our clothes and seep into our skin. You can read some of the articles here, and here. Even if only half of what "they" say is true, it's just crazy!

SO, my first step this week, NO MORE DRYER SHEETS! I bought some 100% wool yarn (the kind of the label that says, hand wash) and made some yarn balls. I bought green and orange yarn. I think I may go and get a light color ball for lights (although colors are not supposed to run).
I used the directions here: Make Your Own Wool Dryer Balls

I skipped the core step and just made a ball the size I wanted it. I still need to do the felting process, and will see how much they shrink. I might have to add another layer on top.

With a credit on drugstore.com I purchased some lavender essential oil. (still yet to come!) And will put a few drops on the wool dryer ball. It will help give our clothes a light fresh scent.

Not only are the wool dryer balls cost effective, but are supposed to help shorten drying time, and leave your clothes I'll have to update and how my first load turns out!


Tony and Amanda said...

We use tennis balls in our dryer to help dry the clothes faster. We also use a Bounce Bar. I may have to try this when that runs out. You are so right about the chemicals involved! Let me know when you decide to make your own detergent and fabric softener. I am definitely interested. My husband does our laundry, but I buy the products he does it with... I would love to save us some money!! =D


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