Tuesday, November 09, 2010

Feeling Behind

Everytime I hear Heather Payne's "Holy Holy Holy" song playing from my phone (my ringtone for almost everyone except Josh) I hope it is a call from our realtor saying we have a showing on our house. BUT, I almost dread it too. That means I have "X" amount of minutes or hours to get our house back into a perfect state. Whew. I have been letting the house go more and more as things have come up and "life happens". I feel overwhelmed and behind as I look at the growing piles of stuff that I need to put away, and organize. I feel like if I had a day or even an afternoon I might be able to catch up.

One thing eating up my time has been making hair bows and pillowcase dresses. I have a table at our church's holiday bazaar this Saturday and have 100+ bows and numerous dresses to sell. Every spare moment that the kids are in bed (my only free time) I have been making people princess bows, lining clips, and organizing my growing stash. I really do love the idea of putting my time into something like this and being able to make some money on the side, but I do miss my clean house!
I have also agreed to be the VBS director for summer 2011. Yep, planning time is already here! I have already had meetings for said VBS and am very excited where this new ministry will take me, and am humbled and thankful the Lord has equipped me with these talents to serve Him.
Thanksgiving this year will be different for the first time in 8+ years. We will not be going to Alabama to visit our Hunter relatives but staying here in Louisville since Josh (and my brother Wade) have crazy work schedules that week. We look forward to having a nice Thanksgiving here with Wade and also some other friends too.
Now that I have gotten the above off my mind, I will write an update about the kiddos! :)

Hannah - is 3 1/2 going on 25!! Our friend Kolby is about 36 weeks pregnant and Hannah just loves the idea of having a baby in ones "tummy". She tells me almost daily, "When I grow up, and get married, I am going to have a baby in my tummy too!" Today she added something about a ring. (I'm guessing wedding ring) :) Hannah LOVES princesses, Tinker Bell, high heeled shoes, and makeup. Unfortunately, Andrew thinks all these things are appropriate for him to like and try to wear too. ha!

Andrew - is 2. The terrible tantrum twos are upon us. Andrew is sweet most of the time, but those tantrums come up so fast you can't see them coming, and for the smallest things. He has also learned what annoys his sister in just the right way… socks in the face, touching favorite toys, snatching snacks, etc. Boys!! :) Overnight it seems, Andrew has started speaking in sentences instead of pointing and using hand gestures to make up for lack of words. It is wonderful! And sometimes I just laugh at what he says! This boy loves food, let me tell you. I'll ask him if he wants "X" and he'll respond, "Yes please, (points to open mouth) put it in my mouth!" ha!

Micah-Moo - is his nickname right now. I love it! He is my sweet boy who is not quite adjusting to the time change. He is eating lots of food, baby food, and some table food now. He looks at our plates so longingly I feel compelled to give him bites. For the most part he likes it. Micah has started saying "Ma-Ma", "Da-Da", and a few other sounds I can't remember, he waves two ways, claps his hands, and is starting to get on all fours and rock back and forth! I may have a crawler on my hands soon!! Micah still has no teeth for a 8 month old, :( I'm still trying to remember when the older two got their teeth.

Well, it is late and I must head to bed. I've got lots of kiddos to watch in the morning! Blessings to all.



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