Tuesday, September 25, 2007


That's right! I felt Hannah's bottom gums yesterday and I felt 2 teeth coming through! (maybe even 3, but I haven't gotten a good look yet) I was so excited more than I ever thought I would be over teeth! Hannah's little friends (even the ones who are younger than her) all have at least one tooth and I kept wondering why Hannah hadn't gotten any yet. So, the little teeth I feel coming through have been why she has been a little fussy and not quite her smiley self. I'm so excited and if I happen to get a good picture I will post!
Does anyone know how long before the white stumps peaking through the gums will be "full grown" teeth?


Anonymous said...

It just depends on the baby and on the teeth. Owen's 2 bottom teeth popped up together and were full grown teeth in less than 2 weeks. Then he has another one at the bottom that seemed like it became a tooth overnight. LOL
The 2 top teeth take the longest and are the most painful.
Owen has a total of 8 teeth, 4 on top and 4 on bottom. :)
Get lots of teething rings and orajel swabs.


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