Thursday, March 13, 2008


This pregnancy has been a different journey for me. When I was pregnant with Hannah I had to go to a set job with set hours but mostly sat at my desk all day. With Hannah "running" around and keeping house (and getting to take naps if I need to) has been great, but different. They say every pregnancy is different and I am finding it very true. I haven't had as much morning sickness this pregnancy which has been really nice, although I did get sick the other day... It does seem to be sticking around when I have an empty stomach. This time around I feel like my belly is taking forever to pooch out (I'll have to take a picture sometime soon.) and sometimes I catch myself not really "feeling pregnant". (With Hannah it was on my mind CONSTANTLY!) Also, when pregnant with Hannah I don't remember having any weird cravings. I liked eating salty and spicey stuff then, but now I just gobble up chocolate, ice cream, and ritz with pb and j! The other night about 3am I woke up feeling STARVED. My stomach was hurting I was so hungry, but I didn't want to get out of bed. I ended up falling asleep and dreaming of pretzles and coke! When I woke about 30 minutes later I HAD to get up and find my pretzles and coke. I stood in the kitchen and stuffed my face with pretzles for about 5 minutes, washed it down with some cherry coke (thankfully we had both of these things on hand otherwise we might have made a grocery store run!) and got back into bed happy and able to sleep. The next day Josh asks, why are there pretzles and cherry coke out on the counter? Hee hee hee! I guess this wasn't a really weird craving, just at a weird time of day.
Little brother seems to be doing well. He has been moving a lot - I don't remember feeling these strong kicks so early on before. Please keep praying he will be born a healthy baby boy!!


Just the 5 of us said...

I can't stand to eat anything sweet right now! I only want salty snacks or food.. I haven't had chocolate in weeks. And I loved chocolate. lol And I have quickly discovered that if I don't eat right away when I get hungry, I regret it. I end up feeling nauseous and miserable...
Do you have a boy name yet?

Unknown said...

HA HA HA! I was like that when pregnant with O. I had to keep crackers and ginger ale in the house at all times. I would wake up at 3 or so very hungry. And I would get so sick if I didn't eat. So, I would get up and eat some crackers.


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