Monday, September 25, 2006

17 Weeks

And the survey says...
5 votes Boy
6 votes Girl
I guess it's pretty much a toss up. We have about one week to wait and find out the true answer. I have been feeling a little better this weekend. I had some dizzy spells and felt light headed. I have also been having more cramps and stretch pains. I called the doctor's office this morning because I was so worried about the dizzy spells. The nurse said it is most likely because I have low blood sugar levels. She said pregnant women who wait more than an hour between food can get dizzy because of low blood sugar. This means I need to eat and drink more, and include some sweets to help keep my blood sugar levels normal.
Please pray for my little baby that the heart would continue beating and that organs would continue to grow in their correct positions. Continue to pray for me, my health and diet. These pregnancy hormones are just way out of wack! I have been on an emotional roller coaster. I have been depressed, stressed, overwhelmed, and feel so angry and irritable most of the time. This does not help when Josh is trying to help me around the house.
Join with us as we cautiously and anxiously wait for the ultrasound next Tuesday.

Monday, September 18, 2006


I want to have a survey to see who thinks it will be a boy or a girl. Click the comments link below and write in BOY or GIRL in the comment box with a short note (if desired) then click the "other" button and type in your name (web address not required) then post your vote!
Survey results will be posted in a a week.

16 Weeks

I went for my 16 week checkup today and saw the doctor. We heard the little heartbeat and it was so strong. It sounded like a gallopping horse. =) I have been concerned I haven't been eating well enough or drinking enough, but after talking with my doctor she is fine with my diet so far - and knows it's hard to eat so much when you are sick! I still have been having morning sickness, although the throwing up it is a little farther in between each other. There has not been the "switch" to change from sickness to energy. Hopefully soon!
We did get the ultrasound appointment set! Yeah! On October 3rd at 8:30am we will have the ultrasound to find out the gender of our little baby.
Keep praying for my little baby to stay healthy and to continue to grow strong - despite all his/her Mom's sickness.
Love to all, Joanna, Josh, and Baby Tillman

16 Weeks

I went for my 16 week checkup today and saw the doctor. We heard the little heartbeat and it was so strong. It sounded like a gallopping horse. =) I have been concerned I haven't been eating well enough or drinking enough, but after talking with my doctor she is fine with my diet so far - and knows it's hard to eat so much when you are sick! I still have been having morning sickness, although the throwing up it is a little farther in between each other. There has not been the "switch" to change from sickness to energy. Hopefully soon!
We did get the ultrasound appointment set! Yeah! On October 3rd at 8:30am we will have the ultrasound to find out the gender of our little baby.
Keep praying for my little baby to stay healthy and to continue to grow strong - despite all his/her Mom's sickness.
Love to all, Joanna, Josh, and Baby Tillman

Friday, September 15, 2006

A Clean House

Today after work my brother Wade and his girlfriend Jennifer are coming over to the house to help clean and take care of the lawn. I am so excited!

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

15 Week Update

I have been slack this week writing my weekly update. I am 15 weeks this week and show no signs of feeling any better. I am still exhausted and fall asleep almost every evening on the couch at 7 or 8pm! I am still throwing up. (3 times yesterday) I am taking the medicine the doctor gave me, but it only works on the food you eat right after you take it (main meals). Poor Josh is really getting burned out with work, school, housework, and taking care of me. He said yesterday three of four times, "We need a maid or a houseworker, I can't take it anymore." I just don't know what to do. I have no energy. What energy I do have gets pulled out of me at work (because I have to) and the house is left in just ruins. It is getting discouraging. If it is going to be like this the whole 9 months (and the doctor said it very well could be) I don't think we will survive.
Please pray for Josh and all the stress he is under with work and school. Pray I will come out of my "morning sickness" phase or God to provide a solution to the housework strain. Lastly, continue to pray for the baby, that the heart would continue beating and the baby would be healthy and strong.

Thursday, September 07, 2006

14 Weeks Dr Appt

Today I am reassured again. We went to see the doctor (I had LOST a pound... all this morning sickness!) and we were able to hear the baby's heartbeat. In the past it was a small woshing thumping sound, but today a strong thumping heartbeat - such an awesome sound - filled the room. It was so great. I told the doctor if she had any concerns at all, even if she thought they were minor to tell me because I had to know. She felt around my belly and said everything looked to be good and growing and feeling great. I feel bigger! I can tell my belly is growing more and the baby is moving more up in the middle of my "belly".
My morning sickness continues as Zofran has left the picture. "Evil Bile" as I call it fills my stomach overnight and I just can't help but throw it up. (awful - I know) Once I do that I feel better. The doctor gave me this new prescription (don't remember the name) and it is supposed to help your system to digest better and not leave sour bile in your stomach (thus the puking). I hope to get it filled this evening after my Seminary Wives class and try it out in the morning!
Please continue to pray for my baby and the heartbeat as well as the development of organs.
We have about 4 weeks until we find out boy or girl! =)

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

14 Weeks

Monday I hit my 14 week mark. I am still overly tired, throwing up, and sick. The medcine I have been on has now worn off and I can take it and still feel awful. I am hoping the sickness ends soon.
On Friday Josh and I drove down to Jacksonville and were there for the weekend. Saturday we went to see my Mom's grave and put new flowers on. I also went through family pictures to find photos for the "grandma" album. I need to start on that sometime soon. We had an enjoyable time with both mine and Josh's family. All of us got together at the Tillman's house on Monday for Labor Day and had a big cookout. It was really hot, but fun. Man I forgot how hot Florida can be! It was in the 90's most of the time, and at night it was still in the 80's. This morning when I woke up it was 65 degrees here! What a difference.
I go for a doctor appointment tomorrow. I can't wait to hear my baby's heartbeat again. I get so nervous from week to week. Hopefully we can schedule the next visit to have another ultrasound to find out the gender of the baby! I'll update hopefully tomorrow to let you know how the appointment goes.


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