Monday, September 25, 2006

17 Weeks

And the survey says...
5 votes Boy
6 votes Girl
I guess it's pretty much a toss up. We have about one week to wait and find out the true answer. I have been feeling a little better this weekend. I had some dizzy spells and felt light headed. I have also been having more cramps and stretch pains. I called the doctor's office this morning because I was so worried about the dizzy spells. The nurse said it is most likely because I have low blood sugar levels. She said pregnant women who wait more than an hour between food can get dizzy because of low blood sugar. This means I need to eat and drink more, and include some sweets to help keep my blood sugar levels normal.
Please pray for my little baby that the heart would continue beating and that organs would continue to grow in their correct positions. Continue to pray for me, my health and diet. These pregnancy hormones are just way out of wack! I have been on an emotional roller coaster. I have been depressed, stressed, overwhelmed, and feel so angry and irritable most of the time. This does not help when Josh is trying to help me around the house.
Join with us as we cautiously and anxiously wait for the ultrasound next Tuesday.


Anonymous said...

hang in there!!!!it will all be worth it.can't wait to find out boy or girl so we can start buying.i love you all 3.grandma dot


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