Tuesday, September 30, 2008

11 Weeks Old!

Andrew is 11 weeks old this week and such a joy! He now sits happily in his bouncy seat in the kitchen while I clean or prepare meals. Then, when I lean down and say "hi" to him he gives me such a big smile and coos and aahs. I LOVE IT!

He has also started sleeping 12 hours through the night!!!!!! Amazing! He now sleeps in his crib upstairs with Hannah and when he wakes up in the morning he happily lays there sucking his little thumb until I come get him. Here is a picture of my cubby little man...

Here is Hannah eating her peanut butter sandwhich for dinner. (She really just loves the PB!)

And I finally captured a great smile on camera! Yeah!


Anonymous said...

I can't believe how fast the kids are growing.
Owen loves his PBJ too. :)


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