Tuesday, October 03, 2006


BABY GIRL!!!!!!!
We went in for our ultrasound today. I drank lots of water to make sure we could get some good pictures, but my baby girl didn't want to move around too much. She kept waving her littler arms at us, but she wouldn't lay on her back for us to get a good profile picture or anything like that. We did get a good view to see the "3 lines" indicating she was a girl! Poor Josh knows he is in for a lot of pink and girly stuff!! We are both very excited. Our baby girl with a due date so close to her Grandma Jackie's birthday is a special gift from God and we can't wait to meet her! Here is a 3D picture of Hannah Jacqueline waving hello. I know she can't wait to meet everyone!!
On another note, please pray for my placenta as right now it is sitting low and the doctor is a little concerned. She said that some women have this, and because it is still earlier on in my pregnancy the placenta could easily "slide on up" to where it should be. I just need to watch for any bleeding over the next few weeks as that could be a sign there are more problems. Please continue to pray for my little baby girl that her heart would continue to beat and she would continue to grow right on schedule.
Also pray that at my next ultrasound in about 10 weeks the placenta would be in the correct location.


Anonymous said...

Joanna! a baby girl!! welcome to the pink and purple club - you're gonna love it :) Are you a scrap booker at all? If so, i found a new store at Oxmoore next to SEARS called Archivers. They have a great baby section. Tony and i will be praying for you and baby Hannah - Keep in touch!!

Anonymous said...

HE HE! Congrats! Josh will be seeing a lot of pink and will learn to like it! :)

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! Lots of little girls being added to our Highview family right now. I'm so happy for you and Josh. I will pray that all will go smoothly and perfectly!

Anonymous said...

now the pink begins.i love the name hannah.she will have josh wrapped around her little finger.the picture is great.we will be thinking of all 3 of you all the time.please take good care of yourself and do everything the dr. tells you to.i love you all very much.grandma dot

Anonymous said...

Congradulations!!! I was hoping for a girl,but we would have welcomed a boy too!! I can't wait to shop!! Love you all, mom & dad

Anonymous said...

yay i secretly hoped it would be a girl!! girls are better than boys..haha! i cant wait to see the room in all pink!


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