Monday, February 05, 2007

36 Weeks!!

She could come at any time!! Whenever Hannah decides to come at this point would be awesome news to me! The doctor has told us that they would not stop labor and they would not worry about development etc at this stage in my pregnancy. I am very excited to know she could come at any time. I cleaned house on Saturday and did a final wash of all Hannah's clothes, bibs, sheets, etc. The bassinet is set up and waiting. My hospital bag as well as baby's are packed and waiting! We just need to install the car seat base in the back of the car and we will be ready to bring her home.
Please pray for Hannah's heart to continue beating. Please continue to pray that she would continue to grow and be ready (really soon) to make her entrance into the world. We'll keep you posted.


Anonymous said...

YAY!!! I'm so excited for you guys.


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