Thursday, February 15, 2007

37 Week Appointment

I went back to the doctor today. They were able to fit me in early this morning. I am now 2cm dialated and 75% effaced. (the contractions are working!) Hannah as fully dropped all the way down (last time she wasn't quite all the way there). I talked to the doctor about going ahead to schedule an induction for 39 weeks but she said, "I don't want to schedule it and then have to cancel it. I really don't think you will make it to 39 weeks." I guess that is good news to me. One of my other doctors had said she thought I would only make it to 38 weeks (this coming Monday). I am scheduled to go back then for another checkup. I have been having contractions everyday, sometimes pretty regular, but not quite close enough together or painful enough to be "real" labor. My body is still trying to "warm up".
Please also pray for me as I am throwing up and having nausea. Also continue to pray for Hannah with her growth & health. Pray for a healthy baby girl to be born VERY soon!


Shirley said...

JoAnna: It won't be long now! Try to get as much rest as possible, Hannah will be here soon. And then the days of not having anything to do or being bored will be over. Take care and I hope you are feeling better.

Anonymous said...

hey joanna! we are anxiously awaiting hannahs birth down here! we are praying for u also and are very excited! i heard march 6 is the maybe due date?


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