Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Just Over 38 Weeks

We'll, I'm still here (home - not hospital) and Hannah is still in here (my womb). Not much else to say except this is a short post because, "If you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all."
Pray for me and Hannah.


Anonymous said...

I was wondering where you were. Keep us posted.

Be paitent girl! I know, easier said then done.
But Hannah is comfortable and enjoying life in her cozy "condo". LOL

Try doing more to induce labor. Some myths say that if you eat spicy food, exercie, and have married people time, (lol) it can definetely help induce labor.

Anonymous said...

We have been trying it all believe me! Although, the spicy food thing didn't help. It came right back UP a few minutes after eating. Yuck.

Anonymous said...

One of my friends washed her car - then the next morning her water broke. LOL

I guess it's all in God's timing.

Can you email me your mailing address?

I have something for Hannah!


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